Workflow Management
You would like to optimise your processes and, at the same time, create a flexible and high performance basis for your future workflows? Then, with lobotalk, we have just the thing for you. lobotalk is based on the BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) specification and, due to the open architecture, offers you the possibility of even further extending the already extensive functions with plugins.

lobotalk has a graphic designer so that you can create and design your processes yourself without any programming knowledge. The benefit for you: the specialist departments can be involved in the design process from the very beginning. Possible improvements can be implemented earlier and later feedback cycles are a lot shorter.
The functions of lobotalk are not restricted to the lobo platforms, due to the modular system you have the possibility of integrating almost all the existing systems in your IT environment.
These tools are available for lobotalk
- lobotalk Process Designer & Process Configurator: Without programming knowledge you can automatically create new workflows in the shortest time that fulfil the BPMN 2.0 specification. The Process Configurator supports while creating individual actions, time-controlled tasks and integrating sub-processes.
- lobotalk Process Server Administrator: Configure the modules and the plugins, check the log-files and monitor the running instances of all workflows

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